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Reasons to see red over green energy

"Government apathy sabotages Britain's shift to a low-carbon economy"

Category: Energy sources


A Better Way to Capture Carbon

"New materials provide a potentially cheaper way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants."


Live longer, live better: futurologists pick top challenges of next 50 years

"· Experts see huge advances in health and technology · Sun could provide all of Earth's energy needs"


Britain third worst in EU for use of renewable energy

"Britain is the worst performer behind Malta and Luxembourg in the EU in its use of renewables and produces only 2% of its energy from them. Last month the EU said Britain must raise that share to 15% by 2020"

Category: Energy sources


Firms will act on CO2 only if its cost triples, says Shell

"A carbon price close to $100 per tonne of CO2 - more than three times higher than it is today - is needed before industry will invest in the thousands of carbon-capture-and-storage (CCS) schemes needed for reducing greenhouse...

Displaying results 836 to 840 out of 1050